Power Plants In The Earth's Orbit

The U.S. energy company in the midst of developing the Solar Power Plant (hydro power plant) that will be placed on satellites orbiting the Earth. Mode will be effective because the use of sun rays could not have done 24 hours depending on weather and changes in day and night.
Design of satellite-based power plants are currently being designed Solaren Corp. The satellite will carry a series of solar cells which stretches for several kilometers and located at an altitude of 40.000 kilometers. Solar cells will gather next summer sun that is converted into radio waves. Radio waves are then transmitted to receiving stations on Earth. At these stations, radio waves again this time converted into electrical energy that will be poured into the electricity network. 
Solaren has received a contract from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG & E), the power company in California to supply 200 megawatts of power is enough for 250 000 subscribers. If goes well, the generators became operational in 2016.
Today, being prepared central receiving station in Fresno County, California. These areas are quite far from the settlement so as not to disturb human health. In addition, it is more economical because of its proximity to the national power grid and not the extent of hydro power plant locations are generally built in remote areas of the desert.
"Although the size of this system and its exact configuration has not been made, very mature and supporting technology-based communications satellite technology," said Gary Spirnak, Solaren Corp. CEO. He said the project would have cost about 2 billion U.S. dollars.
Development of solar power plants also become Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). However, the technology developed by Japan will emit microwaves to Earth. If test successful, Japan will launch a number of satellite support to produce enough electricity to 500 000 households.


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