Simultaneous Ecospec Overcome Pollution Solutions

Ecospec Global Technology, a research and technology firms based in Singapore succeeded in developing a breakthrough system that can efficiently remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NO2) from the disposal of large ships, power plants, factories and other industrial processing as well reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) in large numbers simultaneously. This technology is tracing the report Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics about rising carbon emissions in Indonesia, which has a big hand in climate change and air pollution.

"This is the world's first technology that uses water to overcome and break down SO2, NO2, and CO2 at the same time," said Chow Hwee Hong, Founder and Managing Director CSNOx Ecospec when introducing technology, on Tuesday (28/09/2010). CSNOx different from other similar products because it can significantly reduce carbon emissions at the same time the third in a work process by using water as medium.

CSNOx considered very important role to assist Indonesia in the fight to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the application CSNOx cut emissions without sea pickle, and no secondary pollutants or other hazardous substances are discharged into the sea. "I see this technology as a solution to the problem of carbon emissions suppression in Indonesia," said Fabby Main, Executive Director of the IESR (Institute for Essential Services Reform).

New and environmentally friendly technology also has the operational costs and the price is affordable and more efficient than similar technology. Applications CSNOx in Indonesia especially in Jakarta, of course, can reduce the impact of global warming and the dangers of climate change that recently was felt. As amblasnya way that no other RE Martadinata because of seawater intrusion due to pollution and climate change itself.


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